[FREE] Checklists + Worksheets

I recommend saving all your original templates to a folder called "Custom Templates" or "Master Templates" so that you always have an original you can refer back to. This way you'll always have a master to refer back to, and don't have to worry about overriding the originals as you're working.

If you have the pro version of Canva, it's a good idea to create different folders for each type of graphic, e.g., Instagram posts, Instagram stories, Ebooks, and so on. That way you'll be able to easily find them. :)

Every time you start a new design, make a copy of the original master template (or copy of one of your own designs). Change the name of this new copy and begin your new design.

You can access the templates right here:

"Checklists" and "Worksheets" are simple one-pager's. Then there's a 5-page detailed checklist with three front covers to choose from.

Checklist templates are sized to 8.5 x 11 inches, with three styles to choose from:

1) Simple Checklist – single page without a cover

2) Simple Checklist – single page with cover

3) Detailed Checklist – multiple pages with brief descriptions for each point plus action steps for people to take.

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